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March 25 | 2021

axeed AG expands AI-based sales solution “move“

With its sales concierge service "move", the Swiss market leader for banking business intelligence, axeed AG, is rolling out another AI-based sales solution for banking and wealth management.

Following the successful product launch and market entry in the insurance sector, the banking sector in Germany, Austria and Switzerland will now also be able to work with a user-oriented digital concierge service, which supports advisors as well as relationship and wealth managers in time-consuming and daily recurring work routines, such as researching unstructured information, new customer acquisition and efficient appointment planning.

"Our goal is that not only the sales director can 'afford' an assistant, but for every advisor to have their own digital and AI-powered sales concierge supporting their market development," says Almir Adrovic, CGO of axeed AG. "We firmly believe that new and easy-to-implement digital solutions will play a key role in future wealth management and want to continuously provide both our existing and new customers with innovations based on the latest technologies," adds Memo Dener, CEO of axeed AG.

The digital sales concierge is based on the use of AI and covers three aspects: Firstly, customer advisors receive insights tailored to individual requirements, which provide detailed know-how, news, events as well as trends on customers, industries and markets. For this purpose, data from up to 150,000 sources are intelligently consolidated, analysed in real time and interactively prepared for users. Furthermore, the sales concierge makes personalised suggestions for potential new customers by providing advisors with ideal customers who have an affinity to the product. Finally, the digital support tool offers input for the personal recommendation management of users by determining the quickest way to get in touch with interesting target contacts, taking into account the advisor's own business contacts.